
When I started writing again in 2003, a good friend of mine, Samantha – that’s her in the picture above – challenged me to write an honest description of myself (most likely because she always had trouble describing me to people). It later served as the introduction to my blog.



Me: A Description

For me honesty is the key to all things. Trying to write an honest description of ones self is a difficult task, but I’m a writer, so surely should be able to do this better than most.

Whether we like it or not first impressions are always based on looks, so I will start there. I’m 6ft 4 with ‘world bearing’ broad shoulders, my frame having shrugged off any trace of childhood awkwardness. I have the kind of looks that, while handsome, people always refer to as unusual. My face is longer than it is broad with prominent features. I sport a visage that is contemplative and melancholic with a certain intensity around deep blue eyes, topped off with a Fifties Quiff which I admit to dying black, (I’m naturally a nondescript mousy).

I am intellectual, independent, forthright and culturally affluent, with a penchant for hopeless romanticism, a heady mix that sometimes leads to bouts of nostalgia and melancholy. I have a dry and wicked sense of humour, which rarely fails to produce a laugh or a smile. I am caring and attentive, very understanding and a great listener. If I have a fault it’s my quest for input both socially and culturally, which can lead to sensory overload and the inability to do anything at all.

I am both a film geek and a book worm, I pride myself on the fact that I am extremely well read in both. A particular predilection for Eighties teen movies and ‘Golden Age’ retro influences both my attitude and my appearance.

I have an extremely diverse musical taste, listening to anything from classical, through jazz, soul, fifties swing, sixties rock to punk and beyond. I detest what pop music has become and instead look for more diversity in obscure NY/DC hardcore rock and areas of dance music culture. I am currently struggling with an obsession of all things Japanese. My existence is fuelled by Japanese films, Anime, technology, and culture, and I am attempting to learn the language, both written and spoken.

In people I look for equal parts of similarity and opinionated digression. I have a pained dislike to looking down on people and therefore prefer taller members of the fairer sex, which is unfortunately a rare thing, but, of course, stature can be achieved through both attitude and bearing, and not just height.


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