This book cover design for the second in Victorian Secrets biographies series again followed the style set up on The Perfect Man cover and centred on an original photograph of the singer Dame Clara Butt. Using a scan of an original programme of a performance of ‘Land of Hope & Glory’ by Clara Butt (image 4) as inspiration I hand drew the title of the book in vectors and gave it a similar treatment with lines and scroll-work. As you can see from the original photo (image 3) I had to do a lot of repair work and some tonal work to bring it back to a usable standard before isolating it from its background for use on the cover. The client had supplied a shield illustration she liked so I used this as inspiration for the banner containing the sub-title. The final element was a scan of the sheet music for ‘Land of Hope & Glory’ which was placed in the background to reinforce Clara Butt’s musical heritage.